Monday, December 13, 2010

The final project-FOOD-visiting the Farmer's Market at Union Sq


I love to eat delicious , healthy food.That is why I chose the "Food" section of the assignment.I went to Union Square, where you can find the Farmer's Market, the home of organic,homemade stuffs. Those products do not include any chemicals, most of them has grown on real farms.When you exit at the Union Sq station by train, you are going to bump into it right away...

If you keep walking, you will see the the green-veggie section...

And fresh organic fruits straight from the farms...

Fresh wheat grass is recommended for the good digestion...


The bakery is just incredibly fresh every day...

Recently the whole Farmer's Market has changed, because of the upcoming holiday.Now you can find great Christmas gift ideas all around the market.

Go and visit the Farmer's Market and the Christmas Fair!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog entry 4.4The exam fantasy

I was very excited on the day of the exam. I had not only the CATW but a final Math test as well, so I came to the writing test like a zombie. I freaked out in the morning, because Thursdays I have a job before I’m coming to school.
So, I have arrived on time, right before 5:30pm, I couldn't eat or sleep. I took a last look to my essays I did before, just to calm myself down that I’m ready to go. The proctor was very cool, we were all excited I guess, but he gave us a very good vibe. Everybody was quiet and I guess did well. We just couldn’t wait until we got the results. We all passed!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog entry 4.3 The Final CATW

Is Google Making us stupid?

                First of all, there is a question which comes to every single person’s mind who doesn’t know Google. What is it exactly? Google is a search engine if you need to seek any information through the Internet. It is actually a particular website, where all you need to do is type a word or phrase and the information which connects to that will show up in a second.
                The modern technology plays a big role in our life, including the computers, TV and other communicators. The Internet has a big influence on us, and let’s face it, we start to use it more and more. But as we use the computers and the Internet, we have easier access to tons of information and our brain doesn’t need to go deep down and really just think. In my opinion, Google is useful a lot, but destroys your deep thinking and your brain doesn’t get motivated because everything is just a click away!
When we need any kind of information from the Internet, the first smart thing to do is type it into a searcher. You can set up your own computer with a start page with one of the most popular searching websites such as Yahoo, Google, and Bling etc. I found it very impressive that fact that every time I do my homework, and  I have had a lot of research paper recently, than simply I typed it into the search window and then I got hundreds of links which helped me to lead to the right information I was looking for. I remember when I was in the elementary school and have to research something, I went to the local library and kept browsing through the books until I found the data what was necessary to complete my mission.  It took hours sometimes, but it made me think, kept my brain busy for a long time!
Not even mentioned that fact how much we love shopping online. Those people who designed the whole concept of the search websites recognized that and that is why advertising got involved into this. Haven’t you noticed that when you search something how many pop-ups are showing front of you? As Nicholas Carr, the author of the passage mentions in his article that, “If we are distracted, we understand less, remember less and learn less.” I deeply agree with that, because the human brain has its own limits to cope with that many information its gets from the computer, it is almost impossible to get everything right.
You can also hear it very often, if somebody needs to surf something on the Net, people say: “Just Google it!”So, the word now is even built into the English language as a verb!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sleep Dealer

The Sleep Dealer is a Mexican movie which came out to theaters in 2008, years after The Matrix or The Truman Show. The story is basically about a young Mexican guy named Memo, who lived in a farm with his family until a tragedy broke his heart and led him to the "big city:, where he entered the wired world. There are similar things we can find in all of those movies such as the power of virtual technology, the drawing of the possible future or the return of the human-cyber slavery, which is , in my opinion will came sooner as we think.
       In the Sleep Dealer the focus is more on the human racism than the fight between machines and the people. Those individuals who belongs to the lower class had to go and "got wired", sacrifice their body and work very hard to make their living. This way the corporate world, just as usual, can have cheap workforce to do those jobs that neither other people not able to do nor they don't want to do. The middle class can afford to stay away from those kind of work. The pilot character, who came with a good family background made  his parents very proud by that action we simply call; killing. Just because you are on computerized killing machine which executes your commands, you are not different than those soldiers on the actual battlefield.
    In the Matrix, machines overrule the world, but the humans have no idea about that, only the "chosen ones" have the chance to escape from the digital world and try to awake the others. The main character was pulled off from the virtuality into the reality. That was his destiny and he made that choice by himself to enter into another dimensions.
   The Truman Show, as mentioned before has similarity to these films. However, there is a big difference that we need to look at. Technology and the virtual truth is certainly rules the movie, but there is a  leading "hero" who is only entertain the viewers, even if he has no clue about that .His life is an open book for everyone, everything is a set-up, well-organized production. At least there is not too much psychical affliction in his life. On the other side, he goes through a lot of emotional stress as well.

Monday, November 15, 2010

CATW #5 Rewired


                In that particular book called “Rewired: Understanding the IGeneration and the Way They Learn”, the author Larry Rosen Ph.D. definitely support that idea to use technology as a teaching tool to make students more interested in their studies.
                Our education system has developed a lot in the last decade in our history. Now we have more computers than ever. In my opinion, the tools of the modern technology help to get the homework done and make the students feel like studying could be so much fun!
                Nowadays it is hard to get the young generation interested in sports. I personally blame the video games, Internet, and the television. The parents have no time to socialize with their own kids so they have to entertain themselves at some point. That is why they are stuck on those things for hours. If somehow we combine the activities with the online homework, we might have a better balance in our children’s life.
                One of my jobs after I came to the United States was a baby-sitting position. The young lady I had to take care of was 12 years old, so let’s replace the word “baby”-sitting with “company-keeper”. I was extremely mesmerized by the fact of how much homework she has gotten done online! Sometime she was easily distracted by her friend’s chat-window on her computer screen. I always had to warn her to keep focusing on the homework. I tried to give her a little break by walking with her dog, play a little bit as a break from school things.
 That is why I got really excited to read that part in the passage which says it is actually works when students got directed to doing their homework for periods of time and they do some activities, then they are doing this cycle until the assignments are all done. According to the author, Larry Rosen Ph.D., this theory works the best with preteens and teenagers and we all know that, those years are the most difficult ones especially when it comes to focusing. It is hard to keep them interested and motivated for long time. I guess this research helped lots of teachers to change their syllabus. If we are going, not more than but 15 years back in time , we can realize that how different this new generation is. They grew up on some very unusual socializing like Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace. I just got to get familiar with them! Anyway, if that takes to make students even more involved into studying, well, let it be.
 Kids love to learn by playing with technology that is the source you need to use as a teacher. Those times are gone forever when we used only books to improve our kills at our education.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

School: Blog 13

School: Blog 13: " In 'How to do one thing at a time', Nancy Jones explains that multi-tasking is bad and is harmful to the brain. Things like talking on..."

The essay is a little bit short.In the first paragraph, you name Nancy, but you didn't make any hint who the person is.In the second paragraph, (and later on), you have realized this mistake, and by naming the author/ other source, your finish is much better.The claim shows up in at the end, which should look nicer in the second paragraph.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog entry 3.5 CATW Practice #4

Let them eat fat

Since the first fast-food restaurant has opened, the owner's main project was only one tiny idea: make something "eatable" as fast as you can and sell it with the highest profit. People will be happy because it's cheap and they don't have to wait hours to get it. In my opinion the leadership of the companies kept only one thing in their mind: make money on poor people by selling them cheap menus.
The passage states that, the fast-food companies realize, if they open more locations in the poorer areas, they will make bigger profit, just by offering to add more size to the meals and keep it at a low price; even it’s not extremely healthy.
I have never been in a real estate business, but my common sense tells me that, if you are going to buy a property in a lower key neighborhood, the price of that is way cheaper than at other places. Those mega food companies like McDonalds, Burger King, and Taco Bell recognize this early, so they took actions and made the business happen. They make profit selling menus on the very available price. The majority of those people who lives there are usually not the richest ones, mainly they have pretty low income, so for them the fast and cheap menus are absolutely perfect.
I think the most brilliant idea is to reorganize the advertising by making new, more recognizable signs, which was made to catch your eyes. We humans mostly like to eat. If you see a huge, juicy hamburger with crispy fries on the side right front of you when your hunger calls, don’t say that, it’s not going to wet your mouth! Those big billboards are meant to awake your Pavlov-reflex (bell rings-wetting mouth=food comes soon). Not even mention that to get more customers, give them double size for the same prize. That will 100% surely increase your sales. This is what we called supersizing. Everybody likes that idea to get more for your money or even we can call that saving some dollars, by getting the same price menu but in a doubled size. I think that is genius.
I cannot claim that I always been eaten healthy. Sometimes I just didn’t care.  Still remember our first McDonalds in our block where I grew up. Of course you want it to try it, because it was “in fashion” to hang around there. Recently, I go to McDonalds or other kinds like that, if I’m very very hungry. Otherwise I choose something else, or just wait until I get home. I know that for sure, those fast food meals are extremely rich in fat and unbelievably unhealthy. As we reach our teenager/adolescent years, our body eager for more food in order to support our growing system. Unfortunately, young kids are not paying attention on exercising or doing any sports but running after each other. As a result, even in the circle of young people, obesity took place seriously. It is not only a health concern but eating right and taking care of yourself by exercising is a part of the right self-confidence.
I always been a sporty girl, until recently, because now I’m too busy to go to the gym, nut at least I try to be careful what I eat at some point and be more cautious to have less stress in my life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blog entry 3.3 The Meatrix summaries

Blog entry 3.3: Summary of The Meatrix

summarizing the main points of  The Meatrix:

This little carton trilogy is a complete translate of the famous movie called The Matrix, but this one is based on a real story; the born of the factory farms and how the agriculture corporations keep destroying the family dairy farms. Leo, the pig,( one of the main character) meets Moopheus the cow, who is the leader of the rebel animals. Moopheus shows the the Meatrix to Leo ,tell him the real story about how we get our daily dairies to our table.
We lie to ourselves about where our food comes from. We artificially fed animals with hormones to make them grow, despite that fact we committed animal cruelty. We don’t want to face how far we can go with this project. We need to wake up one day and stop killing those animals. The Meatrix gives you a particular perspective about how the animals could feel going through the process of being processed.

summarizing the main points of The Meatrix II 1/2.

Because of the insane speed of the factories, workers are in danger in their job. The meat they are packing is infected by bacteria from the leaking intestines.

summarizing the main points of The Meatrix: Revolting

Regardless what we cause to animals, we haven’t stop giving antibiotics to them, even we do know that that is a high risk to make them sick. Fortunately, people start to see more about this world by buying more organic products.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Practice CATW #3 The Net is The Real World

Practice CATW #3

                As the technology is showing improvements, unfortunately that is give more access to some sick people to use their power to invade other’s privacy. The Internet has lot of influence on us regardless we want it or not. We read it, we depend on it.  We, human beings made the machines, and at some point we are responsible what we are doing with them or by them. The point which the essay is trying to make is the machines by them self are not harm to the society, but those people who use them. The cruelty of the human being is not the modern technology’s fault.
                I have lots of friends who has have tried the “miracle” of the online dating. Most of the cases, people put very different pictures about them self or making comments which are so far from their personality or act like they are some celebrity. That shows, in real life they would never do something like that, but “on-screen”, everything is possible, you can say or do whatever you want. In my opinion, sooner or later you need to face the reality and dare to show who you are. That’s why I’m not a big fan of, I actually never been, some “cyber-dating”. I like the pure, honest truth, even if it hurts.
                Unfortunately, nowadays the Net is everywhere, influence our life every day. Millions of people got informed through that. That means, if there is something on the net, it works like someone said it out loud on the radio or put that on the eyewitness news. Everybody will know about that, everybody will talk about that.  Since we have the net, it works just like that. For some people, the fame comes along this way, and I’m referring to Paris Hilton worldwide famous debut on the Net few years ago.
As psychology professors were broadcasting, using the net to target innocent individuals has lead to people who like to use their hidden personality to bully other persons and make their life miserable. Actually, few weeks ago, there was a heartbreaking news about a young teenager, who committed suicide because of bulling at her high school and it has all started with a facebook comment.

Reflection: I need to work on the lenght of my essay and more vocabulary.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog Entry 3.2. Rewrites of CAT #2 The Cyborg Advantage

The Cyborg   Advantage

                Let’s face it; the curiosity of human being is unlimited. We always want to know how can we expand our brain or improve our logical thinking. We barely use the whole capacity of our head/brain, but even with that small percentage, we created a very similar object to us; the computers. Without human thinking and a “can-do” spirit, computers would never exist.
                So, basically, it really comes on hand to have a computer, because we could have situation, when we might need some extra help by digital assistance .As a team, humans and computers could make an unbeatable combination, work much better together. Like in chess, there are endless analyzing of difficult decisions before you actually do them, so it’s definitely helpful to have an “extra brain” around.
                I guess, the basic idea was to make our life comfortable by letting us do less calculation on papers. The first abacus was made by pearls, helping to replace actual numbers. Later on, when we made simply calculators and the very first computer, which was huge by the way, and has a size like a class room, humans were trying to reduce the time, what was used doing hard calculations.
                Chess is a great way to develop mathematical and logical thinking. In this game, there are many steps that you need to thinking through, involving a lot of strategy that is why teachers recommend that to play in early childhood with the children; because it will help to learn how to solve math problems and it will go to improve logical thinking as well.
                There is another difference between us and the human created computers. I never forget that, what one of my elementary math teacher told me once. She said:”The most intelligent computer is the human brain.” Despite that fact, a computer will never create an individual thing: feeling, human emotion or even intuition. Those things are not based on some logical algorithm; they don’t have any code a computer is capable to translate. That is something experts still need to work on.
                Nowadays, we need to confess that fact, we are very relying on computers. Hand in hand, like master and servant, we serve the world every single day. We can’t live without each other. There was a movie in the early 90’s called “Terminator”. The director, James Cameron had a dream, he confessed, about the future, when cyborgs will lead the world and we (humans) will be the part of the rebels, fighting for our own life. The story goes back and forth in time, shows that how the first robots and cyborgs were created by us and how they became our enemy. I think having control over machines is very important; otherwise we will end up just like in this movie. The computers have been created by us. It’s just up to us how careful we are to let the robotechnology control our life. Machines made for helping us, for example, doing extra difficult calculations which human brain’s capacity would not be able to handle. Once again, it needs to be emphasized that fact; computers were made by humans.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog entry 4.1 Personal Electric Devices

Personal electric devices are in our life at every minute. Let's face it; we need them, to make our life even more comfortable.

Electricity is great thing to have. It helps to maintain our life on lots of different way.

Before you are going to bed, the last thing on your mind is how to get yourself prepared by tomorrow. To make sure that you will wake up on time, you need to use an alarm, which is, of course, works by electricity most of the cases.

mikeyblog: Implants

mikeyblog: Implants: "The reason why i choose implants is because as you can see they are breast but artifical breast. They feel great look great but in actuality..."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pandora's: Panda Dog - A new Hybrid Specie or Cruel Joke ? I’...

Pandora's: Panda Dog - A new Hybrid Specie or Cruel Joke ? I’...: "Panda Dog - A new Hybrid Specie or Cruel Joke ? I’ve never seen a cross breed like this panda dog before. Is it a genuine dog ? It’s just ..."

School: Artifact 3

School: Artifact 3: " Baby on Steroids I chose this because in sports today a lot of people take steroids to become better players and are willing to do wha..."

Monica's Blog: Lab # 4: " A COOPERTOP'S LIFE ARTIFACTS " Part I

Monica's Blog: Lab # 4: " A COOPERTOP'S LIFE ARTIFACTS " Part I: " The SIMS ONLINE OR PC GAMES - ..."

school: fake booty pads

school: fake booty pads: "what isint fake about most of the things on earth?beauty is suppose to be natural but now in order to be beautiful you have to put on fake ..."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog entry 2.3 c The Clone Technology

If I can hear that word “clone”, the first thing is automatically comes to my mind is, artificiality. It does not matter if we are talking about human, animal or food cloning, the result is the same; something not natural. It might be the reason why I don’t like them, because I’m an organic girl, I prefer “not’-too-much-processed” things around me. What is cloning means exactly? When the media report on cloning in the news, they are usually talking about only one type called reproductive cloning. There are different types of cloning however, and cloning technologies can be used for other purposes besides producing the genetic twin of another organism. To "clone a gene," a DNA fragment containing the gene of interest is isolated from chromosomal DNA using restriction enzymes and then united with a plasmid that has been cut with the same restriction enzymes. When the fragment of chromosomal DNA is joined with its cloning vector in the lab, it is called a "recombinant DNA molecule. That is it about the scientist side of the cloning. My very first strawberries I have tried here in the US were looked so delicious but when I have tasted them, they were absolutely tasteless. One of my friend said that, they are clones, artificially produced fruits that is why they look alike, same size, same color. That is so artificiant to me.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog entry 2.3 b Xmas tree

Artificial Christmas tree
The weather is getting chillier as we are approaching to the end of the year. A very popular celebration is coming. It’s XMAS TIME!!! I have always loved the smell of the tree, that fresh, nothing to compare pine fragrance…When I was a little child, that holiday wouldn‘t have been whole without that.
As we are getting ready for this this beautiful tradition, people always buy the original pine trees at the markets and decorate it with candles, cookies or even put handmade ornaments on it. Of course, as a child it was so much fun, but after I grew up, I started to understand that, how cruel is to the nature to cut all those trees, just to looking at them, decked out in all their finery and then throw them away after few days .What a waste!
When the first artificial pine trees showed up, I thought, I’m going to miss the feel of the evergreen, the smell of the pine. I actually, never really have been a big fan of any plastic stuff. It is just not the real thing. In this case, I was kind of happy to find a better solution to not waste that many trees, even if I have to sacrifice my selfish needs. Yes, plastic Christmas trees are very artificial to me, but I found a very nice pine fragrance spray to solve the problem for me, so at least smells like a real tree! Anyway, when you decorate them nicely, you cannot see the difference that much!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog entry 2.3 a, The cleaning robot

I like having friends around me. I often invite them to come visit me at my place. Sure thing, I don’t want them to sit down in the middle of a huge mass. I’m not a clean freak, but I prefer cleanliness. So, as I was cleaning my apartment, I thought how cool would be to have a robot, which can make this whole cleaning done for me within less time than I can do. Just to satisfy my curiosity, I started to look around in stores and on the web, what is available out there, and look what I have found?!A CLEANING ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!Well, I thought, my problem is solved. But on second thought, I guess I can make a better job cleaning by myself, meaning, I guess I could reach corners, lifting up rugs etc… I really do know how to cleanJ.
So, to me, even it’s a big temptation to have something like that in my life, it’s still too “robotic”. I know, artificial intelligence has almost no limits to create individual things, but a human brain for instance, cannot be replaced, ever. I have always been mesmerized by robots and their technology, what they can do to make our life easier. My favorite is that one, which is able to speak different languages like C3-PO in that movie called StarWars. I wish that I could do the same!
I’m still thinking that there are many things that you cannot replace by robot technology.

Go to fullsize image

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blog entry 2.2 The Truman Show CATW #1 practice

    Since the movie called; The Truman Show has released, many people have a sign with such a weird mental sickness. The syndromes are very similar to that main character’s personality, who starred in the movie. The Truman Show, as the passage indicates, is about a young man, who one day, figured that fact out, that his whole life was just a reality show, with actors and non-real characters.
    I can absolutely agree with that fact, the Truman Show brought a new wave in our life. I’m not even a psychologist, but I’ve realized that, since we have more communicative technology in our life, for some people, it is just more available, therefore the majority of our society got delusional, or mentally sick.
    There is a mental issue called Hypochondria, which means, people develop unrealistic fear of a serious sickness. Most of the cases, the health issue is not even exists, it’s just the imagination, but those people deeply believe that, they are actually physically sick. Even if they see something on TV, like some “trendy” physical or mental sickness, you can bet on that, sooner or later, they start to produce the symptoms. I have a relative, my grandmother, who is the living proof of this thing, is really going on. Usually, those people don’t want anything else but attention from the family to lift their loneliness.
    I, personally, blame all the communication including TV, internet, just mentioned the biggest ones. It’s definitely our urban problem .As we got far in our technology; everything became more comfortable, so this way, we just kind of copied lot of things, what we have seen on TV or on the net. There are many side effects of watching TV or surfing the web too much. Many research pointed out that, TV creates great harm not only by its influence, but also by what it prevents.

  The author states very clearly that, this disease is among us, and gives serious conditions for many people. Some of them are not even able to work, because of their condition. The passage even claims the medical observations and all the publicity, which this mental problem causes. Researchers, psychologists trying to find solutions for this sickness. Hopefully, their work will give hope for  people to get better, feel better, and live better.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog entry 2.1 Artifacts for the altruist type part 5 "Friends"

One of my favorite sitcom is the FRIENDS .The TV show is practically over for long time ago,(the last episode was on the air in 2004)  but you can still watch that here and there .It started on the channel called HBO , and it became very popular within short time. The main characters are 3 girls, and 3 guys, Rachel, Phoebe, Monica, Ross,  Chandler and Joey .They are always there for each other, solving problems, sometimes on the silly way, what makes the whole show very funny. Some people might say, this is just a dumb show, about 6 “average”  young New Yorkers, but I still like it, because sometimes I can see myself in one of the character as a caregiver, who is always try to help.

Friends Poster

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog entry 2.1 Artifacts for the altruist type part 4. Superman


Superman as an altruist character?
Yes! If you are thinking through, Superman is always there when somebody needs help. He is strong, powerful and absolutely unselfish. He has no problem to if you are getting in trouble, he is going to have your back. He is the American idolized dream; strong, thoughtful, handsome and committed. His willingness to sacrifice himself for others shows such a great character. Happiness, in his life, always comes at second place .Even he is “just” a cartoon figure, he became the symbol of the altruism. I know that, in real life we have so many people we can definitely call “Superman", because of their similar personality.

Blog entry 2.1 Artifacts for the altruist type part 3 :The painting

 Jacques-Louis David. Belisaire demandant l'aumone.
  This paintings called, Belisaire demandant l'aumone  and was made  by Jacques-Louis David in 1781.As you can see on the picture, the woman in the long dress is donating something to the older warrior, who holds a hungry child. In that century (18 th), people were suffering of the poverty, every generous portion of the wealthy aristocracy was a fortune. The painting clearly shows that, the soldier in the front is begging for some food or any other thing can help him to survive that day. You can see a younger a soldier  in the back,  terrified by that fact the young lady is giving away. It states, helping is more than just a friendly gesture.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog entry 2.1 Artifacts for the altruist type part 2. REM Everybody Hurts

Here is my other favorite song by R.E.M., called Everybody hurts. This epic ballad about us, people, whose one time has been hurt, but there is always hope. The lead singer, Michael Stipe explained it as a song for people going through tough times -- and saying "It happens to everyone, and I'm here for you." I feel the same way, my heart is going out for those people, who had difficult times. The song even touch some base of suicidal issues, having some dark sides at some point. Anyway, basically there is always someone, who is looking out for you.

My archetype

According to the test we have been through, my archetype is ALTRUIST.This word means, that one who is unselfish, always put everone else as a first priority before him/herself.The opposite of the egoist.Well, all I know is that; I always liked to help others, no matter what.Sometimes I'd like to be a little bit more selfish towards to myself, because  sacrificing  yourself is not always good.People take advantage on that.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Entry 1.4 Cruel reality vs “sweet dreaming”?

                                     Cruel reality vs “sweet dreaming”?
   The Truman show was released in1998 as an American drama film directed by Peter Weir .The movie is a chronicle of a young man, called Truman Burbank who discovers that, he is living in a perfectly constructed soap opera, watching by billions of people around the world. Everything he has been ever doing on the show was created, actors, the crew, so the whole show-set .At the end of the movie, he’s asking: “Who am I?”, but the question is what he is looking for to get an answer is this: “Is it the real world or where am I?”
   In this film Truman was a “real” hero, there is no doubt about that. He lived his whole life in front of cameras, not even know about that. Nowadays, we have lots of reality shows going on, and we can easily believe that, this movie was the base to some of them. The Truman Show questions our perception of reality and closely parallels Plato’s famous same topic, “The Allegory of the Cave”. At the onset of the film, Truman is trapped in his own cave, a fictional island known as Seaheaven .Truman then ascends into reality by sailing towards freedom and discovers that fact, his life in nothing else but fabricated TV program, made by a human being. His journey into this new knowledge is very similar to that cave, where Plato’s cave dweller who escapes his shackles, steps out of the cave, and faces the light of the reality. Truman’s world is the cave and Truman is the individual who escapes the restrictions of the cave.  Thus, The Truman show           presents a modern-day manifestation of Plato's allegory, yet the film goes one step further and presents a bitter reflection on modern-day masses who are trapped in their own kind of cave.  In Truman's artificial world, the island Seahaven is his cave, to which he has been confined since birth. He begins to break away from the chains that imprison him, as he starts to see errors in the production of the reality show, so the “production starts to fall apart.He sees his wife's crossed fingers in their wedding photo and notices her breaking into some outbursts about household products, and all those things takes him closer to the truth, that is where he lives is not the real world.  Truman ultimately escapes from his cave by a boat, named Santa Maria, a reference to Christopher Columbus’s boat and his journey towards discovery. Similarly to the allegory, the journey to the truth is not easy. Christof, the program's creator, orders an artificial storm towards Truman to pull him off away to discover the truth, almost killing him, because Truman was about to drown.  When Truman reaches the end of his journey as his boat hits a wall painted as a sky, well that is, literally the end of his artificial reality.
  I got really excited at the end of the movie, because I wanted to know, what is going to happen by the end. Is he going back to his “safe”, immaculate world, where everything is perfect or take the risk to enter to a world which he  is not familiar with .There was a picture in my mind while I was watching the final scene, how I imagined the end. Truman enters the exit door and on the other side suddenly he is having the biggest spotlight ever and people start to clap their hand as a sign of their ecstasy. The Truman show is a movie that worthwhile to watch. I t was a financial and critical success, and earned numerous awards.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog entry 1.3 My place in the Cave

Blog  entry: 1.3 My place in the cave                      

 I think everything starts in your early childhood. The toddlers are basically extremely curious about the whole wide world. If they are growing up in that environment, which not allow them to satisfy their curiosity, sooner or later, they will become totally ignorant about everything and eventually they are going to follow the other human being. Those people I call ; the followers.
 I don’t know what time I started to got my eyes open. It might have been around my early teenage years when you just want to discover the truth of the world by asking other people like my parents .In some cases I could not find satisfaction for my eager, so I went to ask my friends or even my friend’s parents, strangers.
I’m  a doubter .I always need to know the origins of the things, otherwise I cannot truly believe it, and I found it challenging sometimes, indeed, it’s very interest me.
I definitely do not belong to those people, whose still chained, because I’m one of them who wanted to go out to see the light, and then come back and tell about those things you have seen outside. That is why  sometimes I feel like I’m kind of a pioneer in some fields, because I just want to know more! So, my motto is: “Dare to explore!” Everybody thinks that I’m a little bit weird or I’m often called crazy, for that reason, I always want to ask about things people usually don’t want to. I’ve been (and I’m still )a talkative girl, who is trying to figure people out, choosing the better way to communicate.
Certainly, you take the risk when you want to try discover something new. It’s not just about you, going through, experiencing. It’s also being the first one to do some other thing(s), which never been done before.
  Sometimes I feel sorry for those people, they are still struggling in their “cave”. I think for the most of them, looking for the truth is just not convenient. Once you get to know about the real nature of things, and you are flattered, there is no way you want to go back to that same old-same old world. It is just better to be in the dark for them. I’ve always been looking for the truth. Actually, I must say, I’m still haven’t found what I’m looking for, so that makes me feel like, I need to go on, without giving up.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Heroic Day

Barbara Gelencser-Brown
Class:ENG099 5724
Blog entry 1.2  My Heroic Day

My Heroic Day

    I used to wonder, what is exactly hero means .According to the dictionary; hero is:1. person who is admired for great deeds or fine qualities, who shows great courage,3.the chief male character in a story, play or poem. As I’m thinking about everyday heroes around me, I need to confess that sometimes little things can make you feel like a hero.
     I’d like to recall one particular day in my life, when I felt like a hero for a day. It actually happened not long time ago. It just started as a regular; normal day. I woke up in the morning after a sleepless night, because my neighbor was playing music until midnight or so. I have my broom next to me all the time, when I need to make a little warning on my ceiling, giving him a little hint about the actual time. Anyway, I was not in the good mood. As I was walking towards the subway station I saw a sign, which said that I need to walk to the other station, because of the construction. Well, honestly, I didn’t make me feel any better. So, with my dark clouds over my head, I got on the train, trying to find a seat, so I can start to read my favorite magazine or listening some fine music, to put me in a better mood. That day, the sun was so shiny, so bright, I almost started to forget how  I felt when I woke up in the morning. Could I be that person whose mood depends on the weather so bad? Who knows.
I have different jobs to pay my bills, and I try to make my schedule/life easier as much as I can. One of my workplace is a restaurant with traditional food and my colleagues are also Eastern-Europeans that mean in many cases our hearts beating on the same way. After we done with work, we regularly having a drink at a bar across the street, because we are not allowed to hang around at our workplace once we finished our shift. What a silly rule! It’s a great opportunity to exchange information with my coworkers or just simply having a great conversation about life, letting the steam off after a long, stressful shift.
So, we were sitting over there, and out of sudden we all heard a stump, near to us. We all looked up, at the same time, making a “question mark-face”…What was that noise? On the ground, next to our seat, there was a pigeon! She was (I don’t know why, but I’m going to refer to that as a “she” from now on) trying to get up helplessly, her struggle was so heartbreaking! We all gathering around her, to see, how can we help somehow. First off all, we tried to figure that out what caused her fall on the street. Seemed like, a broken leg or wing might have caused the problem to get back on her feet .After all, we were not veterinarians, and  every time we got closer to her, she got more terrified! We got so upset; we knew that we need to do something! We just couldn’t leave her there. While we were thinking, a group of young people were approaching to us on that side of the road, where the pigeon was lying on the ground. They didn’t pay attention, what was going on. We had to scream at them; “Watch out!”It was so intensive over there, you can smell her fear. After we all try to discuss what we should do, finally, we made a decision. We need to move her someplace else, where she will be in safe, until she gets better. So, I called the bartender to give me some rugs, so I was able to wrap her around, to transport to the other side of the street. It was so hard to me, because I was also scared to touch her, I didn’t know how handle my fear! I closed my eyes and I kept telling myself that, I need to do this for her own sake, in order to help. Her body was so tiny, unsheltered, I had to help her somehow!!!
Finally, after I pull myself together, I carefully went over across the street and put her on the lawn, next to the sidewalk where a building has a private entrance. We felt sorry for her. All of us. As I was walking down on the street with my friend, they kept telling me:”Barb, you are a hero, I don’t know if I could have done this.”
Well, I can tell this; you never know what time you get in trouble, but when you need help from above, don’t worry, you are going to get it .I do believe in Karma, meaning, every time you do something nice , it will come back to you, but don’t forget; if you also doing something bad, that might come back as well. What goes around comes around.
I went home with a good feeling in my heart, I saved something, even the situation was tight, it brought me out of my comfort zone, but I was still just focusing on my task.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


We live in the 21 st century.Since we invented the first electric "shock", the new technology started to take place in our life.Nowadays, we barely can imagine our society without the modern technology.
I still remember when I saw the first cell phone, and I thought, this is the beginning of something big.When we just used the regular, land-line phones,it was still magical, how you can hear someone so clear, who is actually so far from you!Even when you wake up in the morning, the first "interaction" with the technology is the electric alarm (I'm sure someone still like to use the old-fashioned clock).Then you turn on your tv, watching the news, what happend in the world while you have been dreaming.Your cell phone is ringing, giving you the sign;you have an incoming call or message.It's time to check your emails on your computer, let's see, what tasks do you need to do today, or just simply go to your favourite websites (like Facebook, Youtube), looking for some extra information.After you are ready to go to work, you get dressed, ironing your clothes with your brand new steaming iron, and have a sip of your favourite tea, which was made with that little extra help by the coffee machine,you walk to your subway station.The train will take you to your destination within way less time, than if you use a car, or walk.Many things we can thank to the technology.Try to imagine,if suddenly all cell phone satelites would go blank or stop to operate.We could still use the landlines, but you wouldn't be that mobile.You would be just sitting next to the phone, waiting for that important call.
Let's face it; we all depend on the newest technology.I guess, it makes our life so much comfortable.Of course, if I never had a tv,I'd just go outside and check the weather on first hand.
If I can call back any childhood memory, the advantage of the electricity has always been a good thing.Starting the first walkman (digital), which helped me to put back to sleep,through having my first computer, it's just such a pleasure to have those things in our life!
I'm define myself as a person who depends on technology very much.What could do without my cellphone?I don't want to imagine that!There were times, when people had to live without those things, like tv's, computers, cars, phones and still survived a lot of things.I think it's just a way it is, that the human being wants to make life easier and more comfortable for himself.
Even we always enjoy the benefits of living in this modern world, it is just so relaxing sometimes to go back to the nature, go back to the basics, where we originaly came from.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Welcome everyone!

Finally, I've created my very first blog!!!!! C u soon!