Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Heroic Day

Barbara Gelencser-Brown
Class:ENG099 5724
Blog entry 1.2  My Heroic Day

My Heroic Day

    I used to wonder, what is exactly hero means .According to the dictionary; hero is:1. person who is admired for great deeds or fine qualities, who shows great courage,3.the chief male character in a story, play or poem. As I’m thinking about everyday heroes around me, I need to confess that sometimes little things can make you feel like a hero.
     I’d like to recall one particular day in my life, when I felt like a hero for a day. It actually happened not long time ago. It just started as a regular; normal day. I woke up in the morning after a sleepless night, because my neighbor was playing music until midnight or so. I have my broom next to me all the time, when I need to make a little warning on my ceiling, giving him a little hint about the actual time. Anyway, I was not in the good mood. As I was walking towards the subway station I saw a sign, which said that I need to walk to the other station, because of the construction. Well, honestly, I didn’t make me feel any better. So, with my dark clouds over my head, I got on the train, trying to find a seat, so I can start to read my favorite magazine or listening some fine music, to put me in a better mood. That day, the sun was so shiny, so bright, I almost started to forget how  I felt when I woke up in the morning. Could I be that person whose mood depends on the weather so bad? Who knows.
I have different jobs to pay my bills, and I try to make my schedule/life easier as much as I can. One of my workplace is a restaurant with traditional food and my colleagues are also Eastern-Europeans that mean in many cases our hearts beating on the same way. After we done with work, we regularly having a drink at a bar across the street, because we are not allowed to hang around at our workplace once we finished our shift. What a silly rule! It’s a great opportunity to exchange information with my coworkers or just simply having a great conversation about life, letting the steam off after a long, stressful shift.
So, we were sitting over there, and out of sudden we all heard a stump, near to us. We all looked up, at the same time, making a “question mark-face”…What was that noise? On the ground, next to our seat, there was a pigeon! She was (I don’t know why, but I’m going to refer to that as a “she” from now on) trying to get up helplessly, her struggle was so heartbreaking! We all gathering around her, to see, how can we help somehow. First off all, we tried to figure that out what caused her fall on the street. Seemed like, a broken leg or wing might have caused the problem to get back on her feet .After all, we were not veterinarians, and  every time we got closer to her, she got more terrified! We got so upset; we knew that we need to do something! We just couldn’t leave her there. While we were thinking, a group of young people were approaching to us on that side of the road, where the pigeon was lying on the ground. They didn’t pay attention, what was going on. We had to scream at them; “Watch out!”It was so intensive over there, you can smell her fear. After we all try to discuss what we should do, finally, we made a decision. We need to move her someplace else, where she will be in safe, until she gets better. So, I called the bartender to give me some rugs, so I was able to wrap her around, to transport to the other side of the street. It was so hard to me, because I was also scared to touch her, I didn’t know how handle my fear! I closed my eyes and I kept telling myself that, I need to do this for her own sake, in order to help. Her body was so tiny, unsheltered, I had to help her somehow!!!
Finally, after I pull myself together, I carefully went over across the street and put her on the lawn, next to the sidewalk where a building has a private entrance. We felt sorry for her. All of us. As I was walking down on the street with my friend, they kept telling me:”Barb, you are a hero, I don’t know if I could have done this.”
Well, I can tell this; you never know what time you get in trouble, but when you need help from above, don’t worry, you are going to get it .I do believe in Karma, meaning, every time you do something nice , it will come back to you, but don’t forget; if you also doing something bad, that might come back as well. What goes around comes around.
I went home with a good feeling in my heart, I saved something, even the situation was tight, it brought me out of my comfort zone, but I was still just focusing on my task.

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