Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Practice CATW #3 The Net is The Real World

Practice CATW #3

                As the technology is showing improvements, unfortunately that is give more access to some sick people to use their power to invade other’s privacy. The Internet has lot of influence on us regardless we want it or not. We read it, we depend on it.  We, human beings made the machines, and at some point we are responsible what we are doing with them or by them. The point which the essay is trying to make is the machines by them self are not harm to the society, but those people who use them. The cruelty of the human being is not the modern technology’s fault.
                I have lots of friends who has have tried the “miracle” of the online dating. Most of the cases, people put very different pictures about them self or making comments which are so far from their personality or act like they are some celebrity. That shows, in real life they would never do something like that, but “on-screen”, everything is possible, you can say or do whatever you want. In my opinion, sooner or later you need to face the reality and dare to show who you are. That’s why I’m not a big fan of, I actually never been, some “cyber-dating”. I like the pure, honest truth, even if it hurts.
                Unfortunately, nowadays the Net is everywhere, influence our life every day. Millions of people got informed through that. That means, if there is something on the net, it works like someone said it out loud on the radio or put that on the eyewitness news. Everybody will know about that, everybody will talk about that.  Since we have the net, it works just like that. For some people, the fame comes along this way, and I’m referring to Paris Hilton worldwide famous debut on the Net few years ago.
As psychology professors were broadcasting, using the net to target innocent individuals has lead to people who like to use their hidden personality to bully other persons and make their life miserable. Actually, few weeks ago, there was a heartbreaking news about a young teenager, who committed suicide because of bulling at her high school and it has all started with a facebook comment.

Reflection: I need to work on the lenght of my essay and more vocabulary.



  1. I like the examples use to explain your thesis. The one with Paris Hilton especially and online dating.I also like how you underline your thesis.
    I recommend putting the title and the author's name in the summary.I recommend using two quotes from the passage.Also you should be more specific in your response
    You must rephrase your thesis so it's more clear and reread your passage because there's a few grammar errors

  2. I liked the examples you used. They are closely realted and very specified to the passage.


    I recommend you to be more specific in your response and work hard on your grammar errors.


    You must paraphrase your thesis. But, in my opinion the thesis is good.:)
